Today, on the 22th of Kislev, is the Yahrtzeit of Rabbi Shalom Mordechai Schwadron (1913-1997).
Rav Shalom, known to all as the Maggid of Yerushalayim, famous for his fiery mussar drashos.
A talmid muvhak of Rav Elya Lopian ZT”L, Rav Shalom was deeply immersed in the study of mussar, yiras Shamayim, and Torah. He resided in the Shaarei Chessed neighborhood of Yerushalayim, where he lived a life devoted to Torah and kedushah.
Among his many accomplishments was the publication of the seforim of his zeide, the Maharsham zt”l, as well as other seforim such as “Lev Eliyahu” by Rav Elya Lopian and the writings of Rav Chasman zt”l, including “Ohr Yohel.”
Rav Schwadron was married to Leah Auerbach a”h, the sister of the gadol hador Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach zt”l. Rav Shalom left an indelible impact on Klal Yisroel, cementing his place as one of Yerushalayim’s most beloved figures.