Today, the 7th of tammuz, marks the Yahrtzeit of Rabbi Yechiel Yehuda Isacsohn ZT”L, founder of Yeshivas Toras Emes in Los Angeles.

As one of the primary founders and Rabbonim of the heimishe community in Los Angeles, he played a pivotal role.
He was the son in law of Rebbe Chaim Tzvi Teitelbaum the Atzei Chaim of Sighet. His Rebbetzin was the sister of the Beirach Moshe of Satmar.

Directions to Kever: Floral Park – Washington Cemetery in Deans, NJ maintains computerized records and will provide a detailed location map upon request.
Location: Satmar Section, next to the ohel of Rav Yechezkel Mertz (Not the office side of the cemetery)