Melech Elyon – Hershy Weinberger | מלך עליון – הערשי וויינבערגער

While visiting the kever of the holy Sanzer Rav on his yahrtzeit, a close friend of mine called to share a powerful quote he found from the Rav’s son-in-law, the Hornsteipler Rav. Inspired by those sacred words, I immediately sat down to give them a tune.

“Hashem,” writes the Rav, “You want to reign over a flourishing and prosperous people, not the opposite. Shower us with goodness and livelihood, so that You may truly be a Melech Elyon, a King of the exalted, to us, and not a Melech Evyon, a king of the destitute.”

This powerful message reminds us that Hashem’s ultimate desire is to bentch us with abundance. May we all be zoche to His endless brachos!

דער הייליגער דברי חיים האט אזוי געזאגט
מלך העולם, מלך העולם
ס׳פאסט נישט דו זאלסט זיין א מלך אביון
א מלך אביון פאר ארעמעלייט
בעסער זאלסטו זיין א מלך עליון
א מלך עליון פאר קינדער זייער רייך

Composed and Performed by: Hershy Weinberger
Song Concept: David Gefner
Bridge Concept: Shaya Gross
Arranged by: Benny Laufer
Choir: Neshama Choir | Itzik Filmer
Vocal Production: Shlome Wechter
Accordion: Shamshi Fried
Backup Vocals: Yoni Steinfeld, Momo Teitelbaum, Chaim Horowitz, Yossi Blumenfeld, Mendy Fekete
Post Production: Stmtz Records
Mixed & Mastered: Yaniv Balas
Project Manager: SolBlum
Cover Design: Yanky Perl
Video Animation: Meilich Melber

Special Thanks: Mendy Weisz, Doni Gross, Tzaly Gold, Elliot Schwab, Jay Leitner, Shmueli Ungar, Dovy Meisels, Naftali Schnitzler

Book Hershy Weinberger:
+1 929-437-3381
[email protected]

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#MelechElyon #HershyWeinberger

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