ראה אנכי נתן לפניכם היום וגו’ את הברכה אשר תשמעו והקללה אם לא תשמעו
In this week’s Parsha the Torah tells us the great Bracha we will receive when we listen to the Mitzvos of Hashem and the punishment if we Chas V’sholom don’t listen.
The Maharal explains that Hashem loves us so much, that He bestows upon us the Bracha even before we do the Mitzvos, as long as we accept upon ourselves to do them. But in regard to punishment, we only receive it if we actually do the Aveira. That is why it says the word היום – today, next to the word Bracha, to teach us that we will receive the Bracha immediately without any delay.
The truth is that the greatest Bracha we can receive is if we do the Mitzvos of Hashem and live the life of a true Ben Torah. If we don’t, then all the Brochos are worthless, as Chazal teach us אין לך בן חורין אלא מי שעוסק בתורה – only someone who learns Torah and does the Mitzvos is considered a free man, and can live a life of meaning.
There is no better Bracha then being a Ben Torah. Only a Ben Torah can truly be happy with what Hashem gives him. He is not jealous if someone else has a nicer house or car than him, because he understands that this world is temporary, and that the main reward for doing Mitzvos is in Olam Haba.
There is a famous story of someone who came to the great Tzadik Rav Zisha of Hanipole zt’l and complained that he had such a hard time making a living, and how difficult his life was. The Tzadik advised him to travel to a nearby village, and ask for a man Reb Shmuel that lived there; “he will advise you what to do”. When he came to R’ Shmuel’s home, a small dilapidated hut outside the village, he was surprised that the Rebbe sent him to seek advice from a man who seemed to be in a far worse situation than he was, but with nothing to lose, he explained the man his predicament, and asked his advice. To his surprise Reb Shmuel told him that he’s sorry, but can’t help him, since he never experienced a bad day in his life. On the contrary he has so much to be thankful for. The man understood the Rebbe’s message – a person must be thankful for what he has, and that is the greatest Bracha one can receive
Wishing you a great Shabbos,
Rabbi Spiegel