After nine years of unwarranted legal persecution of a revered leader, the judge dismissed the case against SCHI founder Rabbi Osher Eisemann. The judge stated that the state had failed to provide any proof of criminal activity, and instead, all evidence indicated an innocent bookkeeping error.
“The easiest course of action for me today would be to just let this case go to the jury,” Judge Joseph Paone said. “I’m sure they would come to the same conclusion. But I have a professional and ethical obligation to rule when called upon. The evidence presented in the state’s case in chief is insufficient to warrant a conviction. Accordingly, I hereby enter a judgment of acquittal.”
The decision is final and not subject to appeal.
The defense over the last nine years cost about six million dollars, most of which was generously donated by supporters and members of the community. Now, with the conclusion of the case, Rabbi Eisemann still owes more than $350,000 in outstanding legal fees.
Please help Rabbi Eisemann pay off the remainder of his legal fees so that he can return to his avodas hakodesh with peace of mind.
We Cannot Let This Happen!!
This cannot happen to Osher ben Chana Frumet, who has dedicated his life to special needs children and their families!!
Donations can be made online, by calling the donation line at 732-363-1011, or by sending checks made out to CZR to 307 Dewey Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, 08701.

1 comment
Sara B
The state/prosecution should pay him back for all his legal fees! Plus what he still owes. This is unfair he should foot the bill. Let him sue the state/prosecution for frivolous litigation and seek damages for his legal fees, his time & punitive damages, too, if allowed.
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