On Wednesday night, the annual Misameach Cruise departed from a harbor in Jersey City. There was incredible energy on the cruise as families enjoyed amazing food and entertainment throughout! The scenic views of the Manhattan skyline and the Statue of Liberty were beautiful. At one point, there was a downpour, but that didn’t dampen the concert on the sea!
The incredible lineup of musicians included Chatzi Katz, Uri Davidi, Yoni Z, and Lipa. The music was provided by Yossi Shtendig and his crew, with Ruvi Litzman on percussion, Lenny Friedman on trumpet, and Reuven Brecher on guitar. The sound was managed by Stellar Productions!
The MC of the night was Osniel Rozen.
Rav Dovid Goldwasser joined for the ride, and his presence was a tremendous chizzuk to the participants. A joyous time was had by all!
Lipa Schwartz, founder of Misameach, executed a beautiful event. Notably, this was the first time his new wife, Mrs. Schwartz, attended a Misameach event after their marriage!
The cruise was sponsored by Itsik & Etta Ungar!