Updates From Gaza: IDF Intensifies Operations, Targets Hamas Terrorists and Infrastructure

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have intensified their operations against Hamas operatives and infrastructure across the Gaza Strip, with significant developments over the past 24 hours. In the Tel al-Sultan area of Rafah, IDF troops successfully eliminated dozens of Hamas terrorists and uncovered substantial quantities of weapons. Additionally, they dismantled both above-ground and underground Hamas infrastructure, dealing a severe blow to the militant group’s operational capabilities.

On Sunday, a Hamas terrorist attempted to target IDF troops with anti-tank missiles. In a swift response, the Israel Air Force (IAF), in coordination with ground forces, eliminated the assailant, demonstrating the IDF’s readiness and agility in neutralizing immediate threats.

The IDF’s efforts in central Gaza have also yielded significant results. The IAF successfully eliminated two Hamas terrorists who were hiding in the area, destroyed a Hamas command and control center, and struck the residence of a known Hamas operative. These targeted actions underscore the IDF’s ongoing commitment to dismantling Hamas’s operational infrastructure.

Throughout the past day, the IAF conducted widespread airstrikes, targeting and destroying over 45 Hamas sites. These sites included military structures and other terrorist infrastructure, further weakening Hamas’s ability to launch attacks. The IDF’s continued operations demonstrate its determination to secure Israel’s safety and disrupt Hamas’s activities in Gaza.

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