OPINION: What’s Israel’s Plan? The Danger of Letting Hamas Regroup During a Ceasefire Agreement

By: Osniel Rozen

It’s being widely reported that the IDF has killed over 20,000 Hamas terrorists in Gaza since the war began. But if reports are true, Hamas recently gained just as many new recruits to replace them—absolutely nuts! How can this war end unless every last Hamas terrorist is eliminated, the living hostages are brought home, and the deceased are returned for kevuras Yisroel?Anything less, and Israel loses—a loss Bibi and the country can not afford.

Making a deal to pull back from Gaza so Hamas can regroup is insane. When the IDF goes back in, they’ll have to start from scratch, risking the lives of more soldiers r”l. The original plan was clear: kill Hamas operatives to prevent another Simchas Torah style massacre and bring the hostages home. Now, with more new terrorists joining and previously released prisoners ready to cause more chaos, this pause feels dangerously counterintuitive.

Yes, Bibi is stuck in a tough spot—he has to finish off Hamas, rescue hostages, win this war, stay on Trump’s good side, and hold his coalition together. But honestly, what’s the plan here?

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this op-ed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other individual, organization, or entity.

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