OPINION: Kol Yisroel Areivim: Uniting for the Torah in a Night of Unmatched Support

By R' Yossi Reidler

It’s 1 AM on Wednesday night, and I am filled with awe for the incredible nation we belong to. We’ve seen 16,000 donations amounting to over 10.5 million dollars!

But that’s not why I’m in awe.

The Gvirim coming together to fundraise and dip into their “Rainy day fund” is remarkable.

But that’s not why I’m in awe.

Seeing countless Yungerleit using their “Supper Bein Hasedorim” to make phone calls in support of the Yungerleit across the ocean is tremendous!

But that’s not why I’m in awe.

Watching 250 girls in camp join a unique night activity to make calls Lemaan Hatorah is beautiful!

But that’s not why I’m in awe.

So, why am I in awe, you ask?

I was blown away by the unity of the Gedolei Rosh Yeshiva and numerous organizations, each with substantial budgets, coming together and tapping into their donor lists to boost the numbers. Adopt A Kollel, Kupas Yom Tov, Beis Medrash Govoah, among many others, mobilized their people to support another organization.

Why? Because when the Torah is in trouble, Torah organizations step up! When the Gadol Hador Rav Dov Landau cries out

“Hatzilu Hatzilu”

the Torah organizations respond. The Torah keeps us going, no matter who is learning it. The Torah will always continue.

How fortunate we are to be part of such a nation!

As a side note: the Ribono Shel Olam decided that those who don’t appreciate the Torah should no longer have the z’chus to support Yeshivos, Kollelim, or Torah in any form. Instead, the RBSO has given this z’chus to us, His children in America!

Tayere Yidden in America, Heet Dem Torah vet ach gut zain!

Ashreichem Yisroel! May Hashem bring the Geula B’korov Mamash!

Keren Olam Hatorah Fund


Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this op-ed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other individual, organization, or entity.

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1 comment

  • Askonim and Co.

    I was there and I second everything written!! Well done!!

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