Chasdei Hashem Rabbi Feigenbaum Has Been Released From Hospital

Chasdei Hashem Ki Lo Samnu Ki Lo Cholu Rachamov!

The Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Tzvi Menachem Feigenbaum has been released from the hospital and is BH recovering.

Post Op 6:00 PM

The operation went well and Rabbi Feigenbaum is recovering. Doctors say they should be able to remove him off ventilator tomorrow.

Monday July 8th 3:00PM

Rabbi Feigenbaum is set to undergo surgery at 5PM.

The Tzibur is asked to be mispallel for צבי מנחם בן חנה יטיל

Motzei Shabbos July 6th

Rabbi Tzvi Menachem Feigenbaum Shlit”a, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Kerem Shlomo in Lakewood suffered a heart attack over shabbos.

There will be tehillim tonight starting at midnight in the Yeshiva 110 Newport Ave.

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