Tachlis Safety Tips: Chanukah Edition

Place your menorah on a steady surface made of nonflammable material or cover the surface with aluminum foil.

Do not place the menorah near curtains or any other objects that can catch fire.

Do not place your menorah in a location where it can be knocked over by a passing person or where it can be reached by children.

While the “arts and crafts” menorahs your children bring home might look cute, many of them are flammable and aren’t suitable for lightning.

Make sure you have working smoke detectors in every area of your home.

Turn all pots and frying pan handles away from the edge of the stove so young children cannot reach them.

As we are all too familiar, there have been many fires including some fatal ones over the past few years caused by menorahs left unattended.

Make sure all flames are completely out before leaving your home or going to sleep.

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