Berkshire Hathaway Reaches $1 Trillion Market Value, Joining Exclusive Club of U.S. Companies

Berkshire Hathaway has achieved a historic milestone by surpassing a $1 trillion market value for the first time, underscoring the immense confidence investors have in Warren Buffett’s management.

This significant valuation places Berkshire alongside a rarefied group of U.S. companies, including Apple, Microsoft, Alphabet, Amazon, Nvidia, and Meta Platforms, all of which have crossed the $1 trillion mark.

Buffett, who has led the conglomerate since 1965, has transformed it from a struggling textile manufacturer into a diversified behemoth, encompassing a wide range of industries from insurance to energy.

The achievement highlights Berkshire’s strong performance and resilience, even as the company has made substantial adjustments to its stock portfolio and slowed its stock repurchases this year.