Mishpachas Ziemba will be sitting Shiva at 3 Nature’s Way until Monday morning,
Shachris 8:20
Mincha 7:15
Maariv 8:30.
Please do not come between 4-6PM
Change of location: Levaya will be tonight at 10:30PM in BMG Yoshon Bais Medrash.
Call in number is 1-857-347-0100, option 125005
Baruch Dayan Emes: Rabbi Baruch Ber Ziemba Z”l of Lakewood was nebuch niftar after drowning on boating trip with his family, leaving behind wife and 7 children.
He was a Rosh Chabura in BMG and the son-in-law of Rabbi Moshe Shimon Luria, Rov of Ohr Yecheskel in Lakewood.
Levaya will be at 10:30PM at the Lakewood Bais Hakvaros 613 Ramsey Ave.
The father who went missing in the Bushkill area in Pennsylvania, has been found in serious condition. CPR is currently being administered.
Please daven for Baruch Dov Ben Sara.
A search is underway for a father of seven from Lakewood who went missing near the Bushkill Boat Launch on the Delaware River.
The father was on a small boat with his children and jumped into the water and to help them get back on board. After rescuing them, he was overtaken by a current and disappeared.
Teams from Lakewood and Catskills are heading to the scene to assist law enforcement with the search.
Please daven for Boruch Dov ben Sara.