Assemblyman Schnall Sponsors Legislation to Support Pregnant Women and New Parents with State Rental Assistance

Assemblyman Avi Schnall (D-30) has introduced A-4546, a legislative measure designed to provide crucial support to households unable to participate in the federal Section 8 housing program due to pregnancy or the need to care for an infant under six months old. This bill mandates the Commissioner of Community Affairs to reserve a portion of funds from the State Rental Assistance Program (SRAP) to assist these families.

Federal law requires residents of housing supported by the federal Section 8 program, who do not qualify for an exemption, to contribute a certain number of community service hours each month. Exemptions from this requirement include engagement in 30 hours per week of employment activities, senior citizen status, and disability. However, pregnancy and parental leave only qualify for an exemption under very limited circumstances.

A-4546 aims to bridge this gap by establishing an alternative housing support option through the State-funded SRAP program for households affected by pregnancy or the need to care for a newborn.

“This legislation is a critical step in ensuring that pregnant women and new parents have access to stable housing during one of the most vulnerable times in their lives,” Assemblyman Schnall said. “By reserving a portion of SRAP funds for these households, we are providing them with the necessary support to maintain their housing without the added stress of meeting federal community service requirements – which is oftentimes impossible.”

A-4546 has been referred to the Assembly Housing Committee for consideration.