Assemblyman Schnall Introduces Legislation to Crack Down on Ambulance Chasers

Assemblyman Avi Schnall has introduced crucial legislation aimed at prohibiting the use of emergency communication receivers for pecuniary gain. This bill is designed to protect the privacy of individuals in emergency situations and ensure that first responders can perform their duties without interference.

Under current law, it is unlawful to possess or control a radio capable of receiving any message or transmission made on or over any police, fire, or emergency medical communications system while in the course of committing or attempting to commit a crime, including the immediate flight therefrom. Assemblyman Schnall’s bill expands on this by making it illegal to use such radios for pecuniary gain without proper authorization.

“Protecting the privacy of individuals in emergency situations is paramount,” said Assemblyman Schnall. “This legislation will ensure that sensitive information communicated during emergencies is not exploited for personal profit. Additionally, it safeguards the ability of first responders to carry out their critical work without unnecessary interference.”

The proposed bill stipulates that any individual found using a radio capable of receiving emergency transmissions for pecuniary gain, without departmental authorization, will be guilty of a disorderly person offense. This offense carries a potential penalty of up to six months imprisonment, a fine of up to $1,000, or both.

“Our first responders need to communicate effectively and efficiently to save lives,” Assemblyman Schnall added. “By introducing this legislation, we are taking a significant step toward ensuring that their work is unimpeded and that the privacy of individuals during emergencies is protected.”

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