Assemblyman Avi Schnall Condemns Rutgers University’s Capitulation To Activists Who Side With Terrorism

Assemblyman Avi Schnall has issued a stern condemnation of Rutgers University’s recent actions—or rather, its inactions—which have disgracefully favored a mob of students and activists who illegally commandeered the campus in response to the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

“Rutgers University has once again demonstrated a deplorable preference for appeasing activists who, shockingly, align themselves with US-designated terrorist organizations such as Hamas,” said Assemblyman Schnall. “This is not just a failure of administrative duty but a severe lapse in moral judgment, placing the well-being of Jewish students in jeopardy.

“By capitulating to the demands of these protesters, Rutgers University sets a dangerous precedent, signaling that our esteemed educational institutions can be overrun and held hostage by radical activists. This raises a profound concern: What quality of education can our children expect to receive if their universities yield to the whims of those who openly support terror?”

This situation is unacceptable and deeply troubling,” Schnall continued. “It is imperative that Rutgers University reassess its policies and priorities to ensure the safety and security of all students, rather than bowing to the pressures of a radical few. Our academic environments must be bastions of safety and learning, not battlegrounds for political activism that crosses the line into endorsement of terror.

“Assemblyman Schnall urges Rutgers University to take immediate and decisive action to restore its campus to a place of inclusivity and safety, reinforcing its commitment to all students regardless of their ethnic, religious or political background.

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