Composed by Meshulem Greenberger and sung by Benny Friedman on his debut album titled Taamu, released in 2009.
Benny says “Kad Yasvun is the first song I ever bought! I loved it the first time I heard it. The song describes the way the Eibishter’s heart kavayachol fills with tremendous nachas and pride in His children, and He needs to share the information with somebody. Hashem says “Look look at My beloved children as they forget their own sufferings and immerse themselves in My loving Torah!” It’s unbelievable!”
It’s interesting to note that the song was released in 2009 and has become a classic Yom Tov niggun around the globe and is sung in all parts of Klal Yisroel.Benny continues “the fact that it’s sung everywhere is a testament to the composers neshama. Meshulem Greenberger knocked it out of the park, we should be zoiche to continue giving Hashem a lot of nachas!”
Benny’s vocals on the song are sweet and melodious, full of neshama and warmth!
A Gut Yom Tov!
Listen to the song on spotify or watch his video on YouTube.
#1 Source for Tachlis! News. Media. Music. Simchas.