Halacha of the day
Kol Yaakov on Shoftim By Rabbi Ari Spiegel
Rabbi Ari Spiegel is a noted lecturer and speaker, well known for his warm Divrei Chizuk in Lakewood and beyond. Rabbi Spiegel was a long time Rosh Chabura and is the son of the Roumanisher Rav of the Lower East Side, Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchok Spiegel. He is the mechaber of the Sefer Kol Yaakov and the weekly Gilyon on the Parsha, Kol Yaakov.Kol Yaakov on Re’eh, Dvar Torah By Rabbi Ari Spiegel
Rabbi Ari Spiegel is a noted lecturer and speaker, well known for his warm Divrei Chizuk in Lakewood and beyond. Rabbi Spiegel was a long time Rosh Chabura and is the son of the Roumanisher Rav of the Lower East Side, Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchok Spiegel. He is the mechaber of the Sefer Kol Yaakov and the weekly Gilyon on the Parsha, Kol Yaakov.Kol Yaakov on Parshas Eikev, Dvar Torah By Rabbi Ari Spiegel
Rabbi Ari Spiegel is a noted lecturer and speaker, well known for his warm Divrei Chizuk in Lakewood and beyond. Rabbi Spiegel was a long time Rosh Chabura and is the son of the Roumanisher Rav of the Lower East Side, Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchok Spiegel. He is the mechaber of the Sefer Kol Yaakov and the weekly Gilyon on the Parsha, Kol Yaakov.Latest News
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