והי’ עקב תשמעון את המשפטים האלה ושמר ה’ אלקיך לך את הברית ואת החסד אשר נשבע לאבתיך
In this week’s Parsha the Torah tells us the great reward we will receive if we observe the Mitzvos of Hashem. Not only will we merit the blessings that Hashem had promised the Avos – ,אברהם יצחק ויעקב in addition we will be very successful, we will be healthy and wealthy, and live in peace.
The Meforshim ask – how is it possible to receive reward in עולם הזה – this world, for doing Mitzvos? Doesn’t Chazal say – שכר מצוה בהאי עלמא ליכא – the reward for doing Mitzvos is only in Olom Habbah – the world to come?
Additionally, if we indeed keep the Mitzvos, why do we need to merit the blessings that Hashem had promised the Avos? Why wouldn’t we get the blessings in our own merit?
Rav Yoneson Eibeshitz Zt’l explains that the truth is, we only receive reward for doing Mitzvos in Olom Habbah – the world to come, but if we follow in the ways of the Avos, then in their merit we will also be Zoiche to receive reward even in Olom Hazeh – this world.
The Netziv in his Hakdama to his sefer העמק דבר explains that the reason why ספר בראשית is also called ,ספר הישר is to remind us how special the Avos were. Not only were they great צדיקים and did the Mitzvosבין אדם למקום – between man and Hashem, but they were also very careful in doing the Mitzvos – בין אדם לחבירו – between man and his friend. The word ישר means upright and correct; the Avos were ,ישרים they always dealt with others in a correct and special way, even in their dealings with רשעים.
In order to merit the blessings that Hashem had promised the Avos, we must follow in their ways; we must be extra careful in our dealings with others, and we must always judge others favorably. In this way we will be like the Avos, we will be ישרים!
Wishing you a great Shabbos
Rabbi Spiegel