Biden Administration to Ban Federal Use of Plastic Cutlery to Fight Climate Change

The Biden administration announced a comprehensive plan to target plastic pollution, dedicating particular focus to phasing out single-use plastics such as kitchen cutlery, cups, and straws across federal departments. President Biden introduced the order in July, highlighting the need for an “all-hands-on-deck response” from every federal agency to address the “climate crisis.” The White House emphasized the administration’s commitment to ending plastic pollution and called upon the global community to reduce the production and consumption of virgin plastics.

As part of this initiative, the White House outlined a timeline to phase out single-use plastics from food service operations, events, and packaging by 2027, and from all federal operations by 2035. This plan builds on a previous executive order aimed at reducing the sale of single-use plastic products on public lands. Some Republican lawmakers criticized the initiative, calling it “laughable” and “absurd,” arguing that it would raise costs and impact various sectors, including government workplaces and military bases. Despite the opposition, the administration is moving forward, with exemptions allowed in cases of national security.