The Agudah Chairman’s Take: Sometimes, It Is Just About True Ahavas Yisroel

Sometimes, the mission does not involve Washington, fund-raising, legislation or advocacy.

Sometimes, it is just about true ahavas Yisroel.

Two weeks ago, one of the most respected camp programs in the frum world, a girls camp with a rich history and well-earned good reputation, had to close due to mismanagement. On the first day of camp, hundreds of girls who’d been dreaming about their summer away were informed that there was no camp for them, their parents suddenly forced to create new plans.

To many people, this does not qualify as a problem, and certainly not a crisis: everyone is healthy, Boruch Hashem, and no one is starving or in danger, chas veshalom.

But to others, particularly in the chinuch community, it was a real issue. Our girls work hard all year, and the few weeks in camp allow them a much-needed chance to simply enjoy. A dream that gets shattered is always an issue.

The well-known mechanech, writer Rabbi Yechiel Spero reached out to friends within Agudah, and within hours, a group was set up. Rabbi Naftali Miller spear-headed efforts to find a solution, initially asking Rabbi Shimon Newmark, director of our own Agudah camps, to find ways to accomodate more girls on our grounds. Rabbi Newmark agreed, as did several other camp directors, but even so, it was not enough space for all the girls.

Rabbi Zvi Bloom of Torah Umesorah, experienced in quiet, effective askanus- something he observed from watching his father, Reb Shmuel- identified a suitable property in the Lakewood area and the wheels of ahavas Yisroel, achrayus, efficiency and logistical precision started to turn. Within four days, a site, a staff, a program and a plan was in place. Grateful parents breathed a sigh of relief and bnos Yisroel started to happily prepare for camp once again.

We are nearly a week in, Boruch Hashem, and Rabbi Miller is in near-constant touch with the ad hoc committee of askanim, like Rabbi Avi Verschleiser, dealing with the backend of this sort of operation. It is a classic case of Agudas Yisroel at work, with no fanfare or noise, and from my vantage point, I can only shep nachas at how this was handled.

I am happy for Klal Yisroel that such people exist.

Mi Keamcha Yisroel!

Based on Letter by Shloime Werdiger of Agudas Yisroel

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this op-ed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other individual, organization, or entity.

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