Harav Yaakov Zeev Winternitz ZT”L

Baruch Dayan Ha’emes, we regret to inform you of the petirah of Harav Yaakov Zeev Winternitz Zt”l.

He was a Rebbe in Kaminitz Yerushalayim, very old school and genuine. His davening took a long time, and he was meticulous in mitzvos. After falling ill, he moved to LA for treatment. Later, he joined the Hanalah of Mesivta of Calabasas. He refused to use the eiruv and a bed brought in to the Kollel LA kitchen for him. Even when very sick and immobile, he wouldn’t miss Kriyas Hatorah, so they held a minyan at his house every Shabbos.

To Rav Winternitz, learning Torah was paramount. Despite treatments, he’d often show up for the last minutes of second seder, valuing every moment of learning. He needed little for himself but did everything for others. He exemplified Hashem’s expectations, always smiling and pushing himself for spirituality. His שמירת עניים was extreme; he didn’t wear glasses on the street and never sat in the front seat of a car. (Chessed Fund Link)

A true Yid.

R’ Yaakov Zeev Winternitz at his sons Bar Mitzvah after Pesach this year.

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