PHOTOS: Dirshu Kinus Chizuk Olam Hatorah

Thousands gathered at Prudential Center in Newark, NJ this Sunday for Hascholas Chelek Gimmel of Mishna Berura titled Likras Shabbos.

The event featured speakers from across the spectrum including Harav Shimon Galei, Reb Dovid Hofsteder, Harav David Ozeri, Harav Zev Smith, Harav Yitzchok Sorotzkin, Harav Shimon Spitzer, Harav Yechiel Michel Steinmetz- Skver as well as recorded Divrei Chizzuk and Hisorerus from Gedolei Hador.

The music was by Freilach Band and Shira Choir. The Zemiros were by Zanvil Weinberger, Naftali Kempeh, Hershy Weinberger & R’ Baruch Levine.

One of the highlights of the evening was during his address Harav Shimon Galei Shlit”a broke out into a spontaneous song and got the whole stadium to sing Shaarei Shomayim with him.

Thousands of Dirshu Yidden came to celebrate their accomplishments of Daf Yomi Behalacha and thousands came to join them in their Simcha.

Stay tuned for Tachlis Daily behind the scenes footage backstage!