In Memory of Michoel Schnitzler A”h: 1st Yartzeit and His Connection with Reb Shlomo Carlebach”

Reb Shlomo Carlebach ztl – In Memory of Michoel Schnitzler A”h: Commemorating the 1st Yartzeit and Honoring His Bond with Reb Shlomo Carlebach

#ShlomoCarlebach #michoelschnitzler #Schnitzler #Michoel #Yartzeit

Reb Michoel Schnitzler ztl, Legend of Jewish music, passed away at 62′ on Isru Chag Pesach 2023 from a sudden heart attack

He had the privilege of kumzitzing with R’ Shlomo z”l

It has been known that the Schnitzler brothers and Michael developed a close relationship with Reb Shlomo Carlebach ztl. They attended kumzitz and many occasions with Reb Shlomo, and they held great affection for each other, finding inspiration in his teachings, music, and stories.
Michael once recounted Shlomo’s advice that if he wanted to succeed as a singer or in making music, if he would only listen exclusively to Jewish music, he would greatly succeed in his endeavors.
Here are several recordings of Shlomo Carlebach referencing Michael and the Schnitzler brothers, underscoring the depth of their connection and mutual influencemusic,

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