When Do We Begin Saying ותן טל ומטר?

This year we begin saying ותן טל ומטר in ברך עלינו on December 4th by Maariv, which falls out on Wednesday evening.

Halachos for Forgetting ותן טל ומטר:

  1. If you remember before “ברוך אתה ה'”, just go back, say it, and continue.
  2. If you missed it, say it during שמע קולינו before “כי אתה שומע.”
  3. Missed it then as well? You can still say it before רצה.
  4. If you’re past that, go back to the beginning of ברך עלינו.
  5. Already finished davening? You must repeat the whole שמונה עשרה.

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